Garfield Super Block Academy
Public Arts Workshop
When: January 21st and 28th from 12pm to 5pm.
Where: Garfield Community Center
Sign Up by: Monday, January 16th
This is an in-person event. Masking Required indoors.
The Garfield Super Block will be releasing a call in the Spring of 2023 to hire seven artists to create permanent artworks for the GSB. These artworks will celebrate the seven cultural communities that made the Central Area what it is today; Duwamish, African American, Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Italian and Jewish. In preparation for the launch of the call, the GSB is holding a public art academy to demystify the public art process. This workshop is open to any artist who may wish to apply for this project or is interested in learning more about being a public artist engaged in a community led project.
The Super Block project was conceived over 17 years ago as part of improvements to Garfield High School with the addition of the Quincy Jones Performing Arts Center. The project includes plans for public artworks along walkways between the Garfield Community Center, Medgar Evers Pool, Tennis Courts and adjoining Garfield Park.
Topics covered include:
Contracts and Budgets
Developing your Artwork Concepts
Bridging your Studio Practice to Public Art
Working with Fabricators
And More
Confirmed Speakers:
Tarik Abdullah
Aleksa Manila
Monyee Chau
Erin Shigaki
Timothy White Eagle
Horatio Law
Stewart Wong
Seattle Art and Industrial
The GSB Academy will be held at Garfield Community Center on January 21st and 28th from 12pm to 5pm. This training is free to attend and open to artists of all mediums. Artists from the historic cultural groups are encouraged to attend. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. To sign up please click on the link below.
This is an in-person event. Masking required indoors.